
David Parkes
Dean David Parkes manages new faculty recruitment and faculty relations (authorizes faculty searches; directs and approves promotion reviews; approves special appointments); leads strategic planning for SEAS (vision; financial needs; represents SEAS to other Harvard University deans, as well as the President and Provost); coordinates fundraising and alumni relations; determines and implements educational, research, and administrative goals.
Area Chairs
Area Chairs are a clear single point of responsibility for each academic concentration (existing and proposed) and are responsible for mentoring tenure-track faculty and for the oversight of Area-related searches, reviews, and promotions.
Oversees planning for all strategic aspects of the organization, including: finance and budget, administration and staffing, physical resources and space, IT, resource development, communications, and the fundraising campaign, including financial relationships with FAS, other Schools and the Center, and enhanced space, financial, and campus planning for Allston and the Campaign.

Frank N Keutsch
Stonington Professor of Engineering and Atmospheric Science and Professor of Chemistry and Chemical Biology
Chaired by the Dean, this group provides counsel and guidance on important matters that span finance, administration, faculty affairs, academic programs, research, communications, and diversity, inclusion & belonging (DIB) initiatives.
David Parkes (Chair)
Michael Brenner (AM Area Chair, Spring)
Paula Booke (E-O)
Tim Bowman (E-O)
Leah Burrows (E-O)
Rebecca Ginzburg (E-O)
Lene Hau (Academic Dean for Education)
David Hwang (E-O)
Frank Keutsch (Academic Dean for Research)
Petros Koumoutsakos (AM Area Chair, Fall)
Rebecca Nesson (E-O)
Jennifer Lewis (BIO Area Chair)
Diane Schneeberger (E-O)
Stuart Shieber (CS Area Chair)
Joost Vlassak (MSME Area Chair)
Gu-Yeon Wei (EE Area Chair)
Todd Zickler (Academic Dean for Finance and Strategic Priorities)