Marko Lončar, Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering at the Harvard School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, and Abishai J. Vase ’12, Teaching Fellow, have been awarded the 2012 Levenson Prize for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching by the Education Committee of the Harvard Undergraduate Council.
Both are responsible for teaching ES 50, "Introduction to Electrical Engineering."
The number of nominees was particularly high this year, says Sam Himel '12, the Undergraduate Council Education Chair. Lončar was chosen based upon positive testimonials from current and former students.
Lončar and Vase received the awards at the Levenson Prize and Marquand Award Dinner on Wednesday, April 25, at 5:30 p.m. in the Dunster House Dining Hall.
An expert in nanophotonics and quantum optics, Lončar studies the interactions of light and matter at the nano- scale. His current work involves controlling the behavior of photons, trapping and releasing them at a practical rate within tiny diamond structures.
Topics: Electrical Engineering, Academics
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Marko Loncar
Tiantsai Lin Professor of Electrical Engineering