
Winter Storm Update for Feb 1-2

Employees should speak to managers about early departure; non-essential employees are not expected for work on Wed; classes will be held as usual

Dear Colleagues,

Once again, the greater Boston area is likely to be hit by a significant winter storm (which has already begun) during the late afternoon/early evening today (Tuesday, February 1) and all day tomorrow (Wednesday, February 2).

In keeping with the recommendations by Harvard's Central Administration …

  • For today, SEAS employees should speak to their managers about adjusting their regular schedules, if necessary, to ensure safe travel from work.
  • For Wednesday, February 2nd, SEAS does not expect individuals to come to work unless they are deemed essential/critical to the continued operation of the school and can only perform their work on site. Employees deemed to be non-essential/non-critical will get paid per usual.
  • SEAS/FAS teaching faculty ARE EXPECTED to be at work and classes are NOT canceled. Faculty who cannot make it into work may cancel a class. We expect faculty to make every effort make up the time while being mindful that we cannot accommodate classes meeting outside of their assigned time slots.

Further, individuals/groups hosting programs or events may want to consider making schedule adjustments.

All SEAS community members are encouraged to closely monitor the weather situation, take all reasonable precautions while traveling, and use common sense to ensure their safety.

For more information, please consult our standard inclement weather policy.

Best and thanks,

Cherry A. Murray, Dean
Fawwaz A. Habbal, Executive Dean