
A+ teaching

CS graduate student Kelly Heffner was honored with the Derek C. Bok Award for Excellence in Graduate Student Teaching of Undergraduates

Kelly Heffner, a PhD student in engineering and applied sciences, is an outstanding teaching fellow in computer science, teaching in some of the most important courses for concentrators in the program. Kelly was head TF for Computer Science 50, “Introduction to Computer Science,” a large course serving students in applied math and engineering, as well as the physical and biological sciences. The head TFs in this course must be, according to SEAS Dean Venky, “a notch above” other TFs—and Kelly “is easily the best of the best.”

Kelly gave an extraordinary amount of time to CS 50 and her CUE rating was simply exceptional. In fact, she received 19 responses even though she had only 16 students in her section—the additional students had also received her help in the subject.

On her own initiative, Kelly created new scripts to ease grading assignments done by all of the TFs. She spot-checked assignments already graded by the other TFs to ensure a consistent grading standard across sections. She even spent her own money to provide pizza for students working on their final projects during reading period.

Dean Venky, along with Professors Michael Smith and Howard Stone, have called Kelly the “go-to person” for students experiencing difficulties with the course.

In evaluations, Kelly’s students have commented that she “makes you feel comfortable asking questions,” that she “took things from lecture and taught them so we’d know how to use them when we needed to,” and, finally, that “her knowledge is phenomenal.”